Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hey everyone, welcome to the blog, "Living the Dream"!

This is my first blogging experience so I'm still trying to get a feel for this.  For the last couple weeks, I've had the intention of creating one of these specifically for the important people in my life: my friends and family.  Now that I'm here in the Philippines, it's a bit tougher to stay in touch and gives updates so I thought, perhaps it would be best to create an online blog available for my friends and family to glance through whenever they want.

Since graduating in May of 2010, I have decided to pursue the one career that I am most passionate about and that, as you well know, is golf.  It is a game that I have loved since picking up the game at six years of age.  I enjoy playing the game for companionship with friends and loved ones, but even more reason, I enjoy playing the game competitively.  Playing the game competitively is what I've been doing for the better part of my life, but especially now since it has been my main focus for the last couple months.

Creating this blog challenged me to think of a title, and the most appropriate title is that: "Living the Dream." At first, I thought of writing down, "Chasing the Dream" and yes, that is true as well.  I'm pursuing a golf career in hopes to one day play my way onto the PGA Tour.  However, as we speak, I am already living the dream.  Playing golf full-time, traveling the world, and playing tournaments is what I have always dreamed of one day living.  Now that I have completed my education and received a diploma from the University of Notre Dame in May, those days are here.  (That finance degree sort of serves as my insurance for life after golf.)  But in any case, here I am, living the dream, and I couldn't be at a better place in my life.

This blog will consist mostly of my golfing adventures, but occasionally, I will also write about stuff in my personal life.

Thank you so much for stopping by to read and remember to keep checking back for continuous updates!