Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Home, New Life in the Philippines

Here's a blog entry that I wrote about a month and a half ago and it’s one that I’ve also sent to some of my friends via e-mail.  Just so you know, I've written quite a few entries over the last month that I've saved, but have yet to post.  I'd like to post them all on this new blog I’ve created.  Since I’m in the process of getting up to date, take note of the date before every blog so you know when I wrote the entry. Enjoy!

Written: September 17, 2010

It has been three weeks already since moving to the Philippines to continue the golf. I'm currently training with the Philippine national golf team. Still as an amateur. The schedule goes like this: from Monday through Friday, I stay about an hour away from the city.  During the weekends, I get to go home back to Manila.  So I live in this house w/ a bunch of guys (12 on the team). Its like being in college again except without the academics.  Everything is taken care of too, like a scholarship: the living expenses, the training facilities, the coaching, and the travel for tournaments.
We begin training at 5am in the morning. Workouts, then breakfast, then golf all day, then workouts in the afternoon. By the time its all done, its about 8pm and we're ready to go to bed. We have golf coaches, strength trainers, maids to do laundry/ cook, and drivers. It’s a pretty good life actually. They really make us focus on golf. It has been a blast so far and the adjustment has been pretty easy.
The guys on the team are great, so it’s been easy to get along with them from the beginning.  One downside is that when I'm at the house Monday through Friday, there's no internet, TV, or phone service. It’s really like living in the rural province.  

So far, I haven't played any tournaments. Looks like most will be local for now. Then later in the year, there will be some around Asia. My current plan is to stay in the Philippines 'till at least February of next year. The main focus is on the Asian Tour Q-school in January next year. If I qualify, then that means I get playing privileges for the rest of the year, and so I'll stay in the Philippines for 2011. If not, then I'll return to the U.S. to begin my career as a pro playing in the Mini-Tours. (like the minor leagues of baseball.)  My golf game is looking pretty solid and as long as the progress continues, that’s what is important.

Living room turned gym

View from our driveway



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