Thursday, October 6, 2011

PGT Sherwood Preview

Arrival from Dubai was Saturday morning, September 24th.  An hour and a half flight from Dubai to Doha on Friday afternoon. Then an overnight flight from Doha to Manila, which was about nine and a half hours.  You would think that sitting down the whole time on the plane will get you recharged.  After all, you didn't do anything on a flight.  However, the opposite occurs.  The body becomes lethargic and in need or rest.  Especially when you fly on the way back since there is no excitement factor in going to a new destination.  You're simply, well, going home from the adventure.

While Olga and I did rest that day to regain our strength from an epic journey to the Middle East, there was not much time to ponder and reminisce.  A new task awaited.  That was, teeing it up for a practice round on Monday, September 26th in Sherwood Hills Golf Club in Cavite for the PGT Sherwood Classic.  After withdrawing from Cebu back in August and skipping the tournament in Riviera, I was looking forward to this tournament with excitement and possibly some anxiety as well.  One and a half months out of golf doing nothing but rest and rehab and of course the travel made me wonder if the back was truly set for the demanding tournament and training schedule.  Was the ball striking and feel still there like the past or had I regressed a lot in a few months? With several scenarios boiling up in my head, I was anxious to tee it up on Monday and see for myself what the game would throw at me.

Check this video out as I drive to the course on Monday, September 26th:

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