Sunday, September 18, 2011

Aboitiz Invitational Cebu

Like writing about the Ballantine's Taiwan tournament a month later, I'm also writing about the experience from this Cebu trip a few weeks after.  There was such a quick turnaround between the finish of the Ballantine's Taiwan Championship and the following ADT (Asian Developmental Tour) Aboitiz Invitational event in Cebu.  The unfortunate circumstance of the injury during the final round in Taiwan with my back had me thinking how to proceed.  I arrived in Manila Sunday that evening.  Then on Monday morning, I flew to Cebu.  There wasn't any time for a doctor's appointment to checkout what really was going with the pain in my back.  I was hoping for the best with two days of rest but in reality, expecting the worst.

Long story short, Monday and Tuesday were rest days.  On Wednesday when I teed it up for the first round, I didn't find that day's finish line.  On the 16th hole, the back gave in and hurt too much to even walk.  From that point, another WD.

I'm very thankful for I was surrounded by great company for the those four days.  Ryan, Misha, Olga, and I spent that trip together and turned it into a vacation.  Pictures tell stories better than words. Oh wait, I think the expression goes more like this: A picture tells a thousand words.  So I'll leave it to the pictures to make the story come alive.

Upon getting back to Manila, I'll have to schedule some tests and doctor's appointments but 'till then, there was nothing to do but to enjoy the queen city of the south.  Beaches, the cuisine, our host hotel...

Congrats to Jay Bayron for winning this year's Aboitiz Invitational Championship

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