Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Feeling of Winning a Lottery

During the Pro-Am of the Razon Invitational, I felt like I had won the lottery.  There were 5 raffle prizes to be given away that included some Apple products like iPhones, iPads, Macs and lastly, a Samsung 46 inch LED 3D television.

Raffles like these get you really excited when you start to envision yourself that perhaps it could be your lucky day. But then we more often than not, fall back to earth when we hear the name that was called isn't ours.  As if, "luck like that doesn't happen to me." Not that I was pessimistic about raffles but really, the best attitude to have to sit in your seat and wait patiently.

When it came to the final grand prize, as I was chewing my mango dessert, I was shocked that my name was called for the Samsung 3D HD TV!

'Wow' was all I could say for the longest time. I was on such a high.

Thank you again to ICTSI and Mr. Razon for sponsoring such a grand event for The Country Club members and professionals.

I have decided to sell this luxurious gift to use it instead of entertainment but as an investment for my future.  Selling this T.V. would provide me the capital to enter into several international tournaments this year where I can gain experience and improve my game against the best.

Here is some information which I put on Ebay and on how to purchase if you are interested.

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