Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fresh Start to Blogging 2012

Fresh Start to Blogging!

            It has been a while since writing the last blog.  First and foremost, apologies go out to those following the blog. I promise 2012 will be updated more constantly with happenings both on and off the golf course. 
The long stretch between writing this blog entry and the previous one in November of 2011 is what I would characterize as the exercise effect. You know how when you become so eager to exercise, that you’ll go on your routine and do it everyday. It would seem to fit into your lifestyle, thus becoming a part of your everyday activity.  However, you skip one day, then the following day, then before you know it, you haven’t had the chance to exercise for a week! This daily routine of yours seems to fit less and less into your schedule until you realize that the once commitment you had to exercising is gone.  The less you do it, the more detached you get. 
On a parallel note, this is what happened to my blogs. Skipping writing about the final tournament in Wack Wack led to skipping writing entirely about December in Florida or Christmas in New York. Some super totally awesome stuff that will be remembered only through pictures, videos and of course memories minus the blog writeups.
This phenomenon can happen to anything your life. I only used the exercise example to portray what happened to the lack of blog writeups but we can also examine common places where this occurs. 
Friendships and relationships – Hanging out with the same group of people becomes easy when you see each other almost everyday. But what happens when you go a week, a month without seeing them. Then doesn’t it feel like that one person or group that once was part of you now has no space in your day for you?  How about activities like playing sports, going to Church, saying your nightly prayers? 
Now we do understand that we are creatures of habit, but I also wanted to point out that once a certain habit is broken, then we individuals move onto something else. 
Commitment is the main issue here.  Since our daily time is limited, we all must prioritize.  A good friend just told me today that asking ourselves what our purpose for all our actions will help us get a better understanding of differentiating between the activities that will help us grow and nurture as individuals and the ones that are simply a distraction.
Prior to beginning the first sentence of this blog, I had no idea where this blog entry was headed. I thought more of giving a recap of my January golfing experiences, but I also felt the urge to deviate and post about the wealth of guidance and inspiration I have received lately from loved ones – friends and family.  It is my wish to share such knowledge of empowerment to others as well.
Well, I hope that gave you some intellectual stimulation! ‘Till tomorrow, peace!

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