Wednesday, May 9, 2012

PGT Sherwood Recap

May 2, 2012

            For the week of April 25-28, the Philippine Golf Tour goes to Sherwood Golf Club for the tour’s first “major”.  Well, the big majors of the ICTSI sponsored circuit were in the beginning of the year with the Razon Invitational in January then the Philippine Open in February.  The Sherwood event however, would be the first official “major” of the PGT season as it boasts a P2.5 million purse compared to the regular P1 million purse on the local tour.
            From experience at last year’s Sherwood event, I remember it to be a championship course.  It’s a long course and in select holes, tight.  Basically, it’s a ball-strikers course.  In stark contrast with last week’s short, hilly, tight Camp John Hay which required precision wedge and putting.  Sherwood would test that as well as your long game.  Nonetheless, I had a lot of momentum from the 2nd place showing the previous week in Baguio.
            However, golf once again shows how unpredictable a game this is.  Granted the greens were running at an ultra quick 12.5-13 on the stimp meter but the putting just wasn’t there for the week.  Whenever some kind of momentum was made, I would give it right back with either some unfortunate event or a bad swing.  I safely made the cut with a 74-74 that put me in the top 20.  For the last two days, I wouldn’t gain much ground as I shot 76-74 to finish 19th place.
            There are still positives to take out of this week.  My patience was tested in each of those 4 days with the punches that I was being thrown yet for the most part, I remained calm and didn’t get hung up on those humps.  At least consistency is improving wherein I can still scramble around and be relatively close to the top despite a less than perfect game. 
Thanks to my host family for the week, Tito John Anunuevo for accommodating me into his gorgeous Ayala Alabang mansion.  We sure had a great time together along with his 6-year-old son Juan.  More to come in the following weeks. Two tournaments down and two to go in this 4 week stretch.  Next adventure: Luang Prabang, Laos for the ASEAN Tour event.

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