Tuesday, August 16, 2011

PGT Davao Recap

Written: August 13, 2011
            The week seemed to go by extremely quick so here I am writing my first blog on my trip to Davao.  Like most excursions around the Philippines this year, visiting Davao will be my first time.  Upon arriving at the Davao airport on Monday morning, I was fortunate to hitch a ride with the tournament organizers to go straight to the golf course.  Once there, I located my assigned caddy for the week who happens to be Marvin Dumandan’s brother.
            Playing the course for the first time, I needed a lot of course tips from my caddy on what to hit off the tee, how the fairways and greens slope, and which greens are the firm ones and the soft ones.  Fortunately, I had the opportunity to play with two veterans who happen to claim Apo Golf Club as their home club they grew up on.  Tony Lascuna and Elmer Saban taught me local knowledge of the course and assisted me with all there was to know.  Apart from the two, I was up against many of the pros who come from Davao.  It was imperative that I caught up and got comfortable with the course right away.
            By the way, roommates for the week included Randy Garalde, Ryan Lam, and TonTon Asistio.  We booked our first two nights at a hotel by the course called Hannies Inn.  The succeeding nights, we found a better deal closer to downtown.  Newer and cheaper hotels at the FTC tower, a hotel I would recommend for future travelers to Davao looking for a quality but budget friendly hotel.
            The Pro-Am day on Tuesday was another chance to familiarize myself with the course.  Again, by sheer luck and coincidence, I was paired up with a pro-am partner who I played with in Eastridge Golf Club back in May.  Bien Cerbo, who happens to be the father of a friend of mine back in Manila.  We enjoyed eachother’s company along with two of our other playing partners to the point that they were kind enough to invite my friends and I to dinner that evening. 
            Describing the last three days of the tournament in one word: scramble.  That’s what I kept telling myself on the golf course.  Recovery, recovery, recovery.  Each time my back was against the wall, I somehow came up with a counter attack.  Examples? Well, here’s to list a few:              5 over after the first 7 holes during the first round but I slowly managed to climb out of the deep early hole I dug myself in.  Remaining 5 over through 12, I finished with some fireworks down the stretch by closing with 4 birdies in the last 6 to salvage a gutsy 73. 
            The remaining two days of the tournament were played with less than perfect golf but with a sound mental approach and a gritty putting performance, I was able to overcome the flaws and manage to turn in back to back rounds of even par 72.
            The one over par total of 217 over three rounds landed me into a tie for 12th place.  Talking with Doc Rotella the day after the tournament and explaining to him how different the tournament felt compared to my other solid finishes in the weeks prior, he explained that there are different ways to get the job done.  Sometimes you play well because of good ball striking and sometimes its with a good short game as it was this week.  Either way, the scorecard doesn’t tell stories.  All it shows are how many strokes it took you to get it in the hole.  And in each week, if you can find a way to get that ball in the hole, well then, you’ll be in business. 
            Next week, off to Cagayan De Oro for the PGT Del Monte Championship.  See ya Davao!

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