Monday, February 21, 2011

DHL Amateur 1st Round

Written: February 8, 2011

            Today was the first round of the DHL Amateur Open.  The course lent itself to perfect scoring conditions.  No wind, greens were smooth, the rough was dry and down and the fairways were firm making the course play short.  Unfortunately, unlike the practice round, I couldn’t get any momentum going.  I put together a 1 over 73 with bogeys on 1, 4, and 18 offset by only two birdies on 2 and 8.

            Although I did have moments when I connected well with full swing shots, the right side continued to be my dominant miss when my hands get stuck behind my body in the follow through.  Still in the process of working through these swing and grip changes.  Each day, I’m getting more and more comfortable.  Certainly, playing in competition speeds up that process.

            Remember how I was talking about how much I savored that hot shower last night? Well today it wasn’t the case.  For some electrical reason, our room’s water heater doesn’t work again! Haha.  Then there are two new upgrades to our team house: Satellite T.V. in our living room! Problem now is that it’s in black and white.  Again, a problem we’re trying to solve.

            Here’s the next upgrade: Drum roll please… It’s the one that’s been long awaited… Coach Nes installed internet in the girls house! It works!  While there’s no WiFi and it’s yet to reach our boys’ house, having internet is one big step! 

            Back to the DHL tournament, the leader is at 66.  Fellow teammate Zanie Boy Gialon at 67.  Good thing is that it’s a 4 day event.  3 days to go.  We’ll see what we can do!          


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