Sunday, February 27, 2011

DHL Amateur 3rd and Final Rounds

Written: February 11, 2011

            The final two rounds of the tournament didn’t go as planned.  It was good learning experience nonetheless.  That’s what they all say when things don’t go as planned right? Nah, but seriously, it was.  Playing tournament golf is the best way to improve and accelerate the learning process.  As I mentioned in my previous blogs, I stuck it out with my new grip through the whole week.  If you told me I would end up at even par after 72 holes, I would have taken it at the beginning of the week. 

            As it turned out, I shot 72-76 in the final two rounds of competition.  Four day scores of 73-67-72-76.  One low round sure goes a long way huh? A lot went well for me during the week.  Most notably, the putting.  Consistent putting rounds in the mid 20’s really kept me in the game and allowed me to produce those scores despite the ball striking issues.

There’s a lot I could take away from this 8th place finish:
  • I can hang in there even when all parts of my game isn’t there.
  • I am capable of turning in low rounds, low nine hole scores and getting hot in stretches.
  • I now relish playing in the final pairing (3rd round)
  • I can stick with a long term goal and persevere through the modifications I’m currently making with my swing cognizant of the fact that things will improve greatly in the future as long as I stay patient.

Come the next morning, it’s back to the drawing board.  Regroup, recharge, and get back at it!  That’s the beauty and challenge of this sport. 

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