Thursday, May 5, 2011

Back in the U.S. - Week so far

Written: April 25, 2011

            Its been a week already since arriving in Florida after that 44-hour trip from the Philippines.  Since then, I’ve gotten to play a lot of golf and spend it catching up with friends, golf coaches, and of course the family.  Golf at Tuscany Reserve,Tiburon, Kensington and Kensington’s gym. Chipotle, Sushi Thai and Sweet Treats. Trip to FGCU for an Easter dinner.  Golfsmith, PGA Tour Superstore, Costo.  Seacrest and CSN to bring and watch Casey play his baseball games.  Getting so much done in so little time feels good in some way.
            Coming home and seeing many familiar faces has also been a joy.  Seeing so many of them all over Naples from the neighbors, golf pros, the cart guys, waiters at restaurants (Sushi Thai), old classmates and friends makes it feel like I never left home.  And that leads me to the question: how does one define where “home” really is?  Is it where you were born? Where you grew up?  Can you only have one “home”?  A question from many of them was: “it must feel good to be home huh Carl?”  There is no doubt, it sure feels good to be home, as in, in Naples, Florida back with the family.  Perhaps that’s one definition that many people associate where home is – where your family resides. 

Ruth Chris' Family Steak Dinner. Yum!

Picture with Dad before dropping me off at the airport

            I’d like to think of myself as having a home in two places.  Here in Naples, Florida and the other in the Philippines.  In just 8 months in the Philippines, I have adjusted to the lifestyle, language, culture, and golf over there.  To ease the transition, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to both reconnect and form new relationships with friends, coaches, and mentors.  With plenty of family members there (uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents) to have company, the Philippines has certainly become another home.
            As for now, I’m sitting in the Fort Myers airport waiting for a flight to Charlottesville, Virginia for what I would call the highlight of my 3 week stay in the United States.  From Monday through Wednesday, I’ll get a chance to spend time with world renowned sports psychologist Bob Rotella who has worked with several PGA Tour players over the years.  It ought to be an amazing experience. Can’t wait! I’ll definitely be posting an update about that trip.       

Coach / Mentor Tom O'Brien

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