Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mercedes Benz Tour Indonesia 2nd Round

Written: October 28, 2010

            It always comes down to putting, doesn’t it?  Today, I managed to drop a couple putts from that critical 6 to 12 foot range.  It’s not like I made every putt out there.  My patience was tested early when a few putts of mine were rolled right on its intended line only for the ball to lip out.  But I remained positive and continued to hit quality shots.  My first nine, 10-18 since I started on the back, consisted of 3 bogeys, 3 pars, and 3 birdies.  The scorecard may have looked erratic because every short-range putt for birdie, I’d make it and every time I attempted to get up and down and make that 8 footer for par, I’d narrowly miss.  Nonetheless, I was pleased with an opening 9 of even par.

            On the first, my 10th of the day, came the 4th birdie.  Driver, 3 wood, then a chip to a foot for a tap in birdie.  But then a clumsy bogey from the middle of the fairway from 165 yards on 3 after hitting my 8 iron fat from the soft muddy lie brought it back to even.  Birdie on the 5th hole after I stuck an 8 iron from 155 yards to 4 feet.  On the 6th, 470 yard par 4 into the wind, I had 200 yards for my second shot, so I pulled out a 4iron.  Chunked it again, big time off the soft, into the grain lie.  Had 60 yards for my third, which I put to 15 feet and made par the hard way.  On 7, driver, hybrid, then a 70 yard wedge shot 5 feet past the hole set up my 6th birdie off the day.  I calmly drained the downhill putt that I barely tapped, which meant 4 birdies on par 5’s for the day.  On 17, a quick hook off a 4 iron from 210 left me 47 yards away.  Then, with a 15 footer left for par, I drained it to remain 2 under for the day.  The final hole was a pedestrian par: hit the fairway, hit the green and two putt completing an 8 shot improvement from yesterday’s 78.

            In the last three tournaments I’ve played here in Asia, the second round is where I’ve found most success.  69 in the PGT event in Northwoods, 70 in the Canlubang Amateur, and 70 here today.  That’s what you call taking advantage of moving day.  To make note, the second round success is not just a recent trend, it has been a thing of mine since my junior golf days.  It must be about being more settled into the environment, to the course, and seeing where the bar is set based from the competitor’s scores.  I just have to figure out how to channel that energy to the first rounds of tournaments.

            Even though I wasn’t happy with my four bogeys, I was extremely pleased with the final result of 2 under 70.  Looking at the leaderboard, that score was in the top 10 for the day, which shows that I can really give these pros a fight straight up.  When I walked into the clubhouse, it was a nice feeling when the fellow Filipino pros gave me pats on the back with compliments about putting together a nice comeback. 

Apart from the swing and the short game, its about toughness and confidence.  As each tournament round passes by, I continue to feel like I’m headed in the right direction, which now I’m beginning to realize is even more pleasing to me than what scores I’m shooting.  If you read my previous day’s blog, you might have noticed my optimism and confidence despite that 78.  It’s all about perspective, willingness to accept whatever challenge comes, and being strong enough to handle any test that may come (like when you’re 7 over through 8 holes on the first round).

After the round, Coach Cassius, Dante, and I had another fun and relaxing afternoon back in the hotel then pounded again on the hotel dinner buffet.  Now, I’m back in the room and ready to sleep.  It feels like we’ve been here forever and we still have a couple more days to go. I love it!

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