Friday, December 17, 2010

Mizuno Dream Cup

Written: November 5, 2010

            The story for the day: Chuck, Justin, and I are sent by Coach Nestor to Sherwood to play the Mizuno Dream Cup.  This tournament is advertised as the road to the Open Championship (The British Open).  Wait a second, did they say the Open Championship? Yes, exactly. They tell us amateurs that we have a chance to play the event!

Here’s how it works.  Locally, you’ll have to play a two stage qualifying process.  A player must play the pre-qualifying stage at one of the following 5 sites.  Then from each site, 5 players advance to the final qualifying tournament to be held sometime in February, 2011 in Orchard.  Whoever wins there gets an all expenses paid for trip to Japan to play the Japan amateur tournament or something like that.  If you play well enough, presumably, you probably have to win the tournament, then you get to play the Mizuno Japan pro event.  Then from there, you’ll have to place in the top 3 among all the pros to get to play the Open Championship!

Man, what a long road right? At least I got off to the right start.  I shot a 74 that qualified me for the final stage of qualifying.  Its really not much of a round to be talked about. Nothing happened. Just a blah 74 against blah competition.  In fact, Justin, Chuck, and I all qualified and took three of the five spots.  A successful day and some good bonding with the guys as we all took one car there and back.  That’s it! Check the pictures out.

I forgot my golf shoes! I had to play with these Ryan Moore-ish shoes
Chuck, getting interviewed as the Champ, shot 71

The flyer

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