Monday, April 4, 2011

Journey Thus Far

Written: March 28, 2011

            Trying to figure out where to begin the story? How do I make this interesting to read?  How bout… The best way is to make this short and sweet.  A timeline of how things played out.  So many developments over the last 3 weeks and oh my, it’s been such a roller coaster ride. 

March 7: It all began with the news that those over 22 years of age would be booted, kicked out of the sponsored ICTSI amateur team.  There were rumors prior to that about Ricky Razon’s but this news delivered by coach Nestor was final and executed.  We were given ‘till April 1 to live in the house and remain at Country Club to practice. Life as we knew it would indeed not be the same anymore.

March 8: I had to weigh my options at this point. No more sponsorship, possibly no more course to practice in the Philippines? No more incentive to stay amateur.  The best move was to turn pro.  The first ICTSI pro tournament of the season would be played March 30, 2011 in Royal Northwoods.  I would have to move swiftly to become eligible as a pro to play in the event.

March 9:  Had conversations with mentors, coaches, and parents about what the next move should be.  Made the necessary phone calls to pro organizations on how to get my license.  Raymund Sangil at first said it would be a matter of paying the organization fee to become a licensed Philippine Pro.

March 10: Raymund Sangil calls again delivering a bit of troubling news that we aspiring pros who were kicked off the team: Chuck Hong, Peter Villaber, Erwin Madrileno, and I had to pass a qualifying exam. A playing ability test to receive our Tour Professional license from their organization.  Playing dates: March 17 and 18 at the Country Club.

March 11: Meeting with tournament director Mike Carr about entry to the first tournament in Northwoods, March 30th as a “sponsors exemption”. He ponders and given our recent situation, he said he’ll let us play.

March 14: Visited my mom’s old business before: Health Lab in Medical Plaza to get a chest Xray and an ECG.  Those tests are necessary to present to the GAB (Games and Amusement Board) to clear you for a professional athlete’s license. Then went to my dad’s doctor partner in Makati Med to meet cardiologist Ray Kasilag and have him approve the tests.

March 17-18: Paid organization entry fee and played the playing ability test in Country Club and passed it! (See previous blog for the story)

March 21: Went to GAB (Games and Amusement Board), the government sports agency, Makati office to pay the government fee and drop off the necessary health forms.  When I walked out of there, I was officially a pro athlete and eligible to play the Philippine Golf Tour!

March 23: Received the best news from Ma’am Colo Ventosa, the one who manages the ICTSI sponsored pros.  She sent a text saying: Congratulations, you will be sponsored as an ICTSI pro!  That news was like Christmas on steroids!!!

March 25: Contract signing with Ma’am Colo! What a day!

            While it’s only the beginning, there was a feeling of closure with that signing day.  Looking back at the entire timeline, so much effort yet so much uncertainty remained three weeks ago.  Now everything has fallen well in its place.

            With a sponsorship backing for the next six months.  A course to practice in, a house 5 minutes away from the course to live and eat in, travel and all related tournament expenses taken care of… Thanks ICTSI!

            Living the Dream!

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