Monday, April 4, 2011

PGT Malarayat Warmup

           By the way, if you’re wondering what PGT stands for, its Philippine Golf Tour.  Check out their website: There will be live scoring once again for this Malarayat Leg to be played tomorrow April 5-7, 2011
            It has been a quick turn around after the conclusion of the PGT Northwoods last Friday.  I spent Saturday with my grandparents in Greenhills from my dad’s side then later that afternoon I went over to Magallanes for mass and the weekly family dinner with my uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents from my mom’s side.  Having earned my first paycheck in golf, I treated them out to Haagen Daz ice cream and suffice to say, they all enjoyed it.  Strawberry and coffee.  Yum! 
            The following morning, on Sunday, I teed it up with Ton and Coach Cassius in Southwoods, worked on the range a bit thereafter, then headed to Montecito (team house near Country Club) to set up camp.  After a nice afternoon/evening with a good friend, it was back to Montecito to sleep for the night.
            Today, Monday, April 4th, Dante, Peter and I set out to Malarayat to play a practice round for the tournament.  I ended up playing with Chuck Hong and Cookie La’o who knew the course pretty well, lent me his range finder, and gave some useful course tips.  After an exhausting 18 holes of plotting carry distances and green slopes in my notebook, I decided to play another 9 alone to relax and hit a bunch of balls.
            I don’t want to speak too early but I must say, I’m hitting it pretty solid, the putting stroke seems natural, and my caddy Gody, who caddied for me for the first time today, did not make a single mistake in the reads she gave me.  I don’t think I’ve been more impressed with how well a caddy reads the greens.  That’s a great sign!
            With an afternoon tee time tomorrow for the first round, Dante and I made the 45 minute drive back to Montecito.  Tomorrow, we’ll leave in the morning.
            Business as usual in the office! 

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