Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ASEAN Tour Malrayat Final Round

Written: June 11, 2011

            Fitting in three rounds in the last two days put a toll on everyone.  At least we could all somewhat breath a sigh of relief going into the final day as the tournament was all caught up and only 18 holes was left to complete the four round, 72 hole event.  Despite the long hours on golf property over the previous days, I was pumped up and ready to play heading into the last round.  Upon waking up after a goodnight’s sleep for the 4th day in Monti’s hotel (check out the previous video blog), I was well rested and headed straight for the course.  I went through my regular routine of eating in the caddy’s canteen then warming up an hour before and I mean literally by just warming up and getting lose thinking of no mechanics in the swing.  It was that easy. I was flushing the ball shot after shot.
            Same group with Rolando Marabe and Attaphon P. from Thailand.  Man, I wasn’t expecting it but I again got off to a cold start.  Par, bogey, bogey, par, par.  Chances, chances, chances, and continued not to capitalize.  The 6th hole of the day was the first hole I walked off feeling like the course gave me one as I rolled in a par putt from 7 feet on the long 225 yard par 3.  With a bit of a spark, I’d go on to par the final holes of that 9 to turn in 38, 2 over par.
            Yet a series of unfortunate events continued to unfold.  Par, bogey, bogey.  Alright, I told myself, “even though you gave away about 25 strokes (literally, I kid you not.) I can still finish strong.”  And I pride myself for accepting the challenge of that day, of that week rather to hang in there and stick with it even though things don’t always go your way.  2 under through the last 6 holes, including a 2-putt birdie on the 18th was certainly a nice way to finish.
            Overall, 4 over through 72 holes and a tie for 32nd place.  $478.  There’s a lot to happy about and a lot learned from this week.  One of the best ball striking tournaments I’ve ever played.  Just a little more digging left but when I find that diamond in the rough, watch out! I could sense something big coming up.

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