Wednesday, June 8, 2011

PGT Eastridge Recap

Written: June 7, 2011
Alright, so I wasn't able to write a blog each day. In fact, a few days have past since the PGT Eastridge tournament in Antipolo ended on Friday, June 3rd. Now it's June 7th, the eve of the ASEAN Tour event in Malarayat.  Overall, I'd say the PGT Eastridge event was a success. I broke my skid of 2 cuts in a row. Played a nice first round of 71 that landed me in a tie for 10th. Stuck to my preshot routine for the full swing all tournament long. Although I closed with two 77's, there was a lot to be happy about.
There was once incident I’ll learn from.  On hole number 13 on the final round, the tee box was set up so close to the advertisement signboard that it impeded my backswing on the left side of the tee box where I wanted to hit.  On hole number 2 earlier that day, I ran into a similar problem.  Although I was worried about the signboard in my backswing, I went through with it only to miss hit my drive into the hazard.  I didn’t want to let the thought of an advertisement board on the tee box affect me again.  In thinking that the signboard was a manmade object like a 150-yard stake or a red stake, I took it out.  Only afterwards did a rules official come towards me saying that it may have been a violation of the local rules. 
It turns out it was written on the local rules that all advertisement sign boards are temporary immovable obstructions.  Even though the tournament organizer admitted towards a faulty setup with the tees being pushed too far back that the sign was in the way, the penalty still fell on me. 
On the upside, I made a higher paycheck thanks to the two-stroke penalty. How was that possible? Here comes quirk number 2: recently, the BIR (IRS in the U.S.) decided to take a 20% deduction from winnings over P10k.  My earnings was just under 10k thus there was no tax.  If I had not gotten a 2-stroke penalty, I would have earned over P10k but with the 20% tax that was imposed, it would have brought my earnings lower than what I actually got thanks to the 2-stroke penalty.  In other words, 31st place earned more than 27th place.
            With that week put behind and a lot learned from it, (not only about the penalty but my game and attitude as well) it’s time to move on.  This week, another great opportunity at the ASEAN Tour Malarayat Championship.
Final Leaderboard

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