Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Angkor Wat Tour of the Temples

On Saturday, March 17, 2012, my friend Koh Deng Shan and I decided to go together to see the Angkor Wat Temples that many around the world have been raving about.  It is the top tourist destination in Cambodia.  We waited 'till our 7th day in Siem Reap to go to the temples since our first priority was to play the golf tournament, while almost every other tourist I would imagine would go on their very first day.

Transportation is easy.  Via Tuktuk of course.  From Siem Reap where all the hotels are, it takes approximately 15 minutes to get to Angkor Wat, where the cluster of temples are located.  Its like a disney land where the attractions are the temples.  There are several of them so you'll need some transportation from one to the next.  The Tuktuk driver charged $15 to take us to and from our hotel and wait drop us off and wait for us at each temple we choose to go to.  What a deal right?  Like our personal chauffeur for the afternoon.

Pictures are best in the afternoon before sunset and luckily, that's the time we went.  Funny thing is, we went to these temples not knowing any of the history of them.  Despite that, we reveled in the structure's architecture and sheer size of these foundations.  Definitely reminiscent of La Sagrada Familie in Barcelona, the Egyptian pyramids, or the Coliseum in Rome.  Like many grand structures in history, you come to wonder how much man power was used to build them.  Certainly the Angkor Wat Temples are a Cambodian Masterpiece worth visiting.

For a detailed explanation of the history and significance of the Angkor Wat temples, you may visit this page of the Wikipedia site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angkor_Wat

Below are the pictures of our visit:

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