Sunday, January 9, 2011

China Amateur Open Morning Pre-Round

Written: Nov 30,2010

It's the morning of the first round of the China Amateur. From the boys, it was just Alex Nallos and I that were sent off to this tournament just outside Guangzhou. We arrived 2 days ago taking a direct flight from Manila to Guangzhou, which was a smooth and quick 2 hr trip, then we were picked up in the airport that afternoon. Soon afterwards, we attended an opening banquet ceremony which consisted of the typical dragged on welcome speeches, food, and a couple performances which were quite entertaining. But as the night came to a close, we were itching back to get to the hotel and get to bed. It has been an exhausting trip since the Canlubang Pro Event had just ended 2 days ago. 

Yesterday, Monday, we took a late practice round in the morning. From off the bus and straight to the first tee. The course, in a quick recap, is not particularly intimidating. It plays a little over 7,100 with not much roll. I'll expect to get midiron approach shots to most of the holes. It's really going to be about who can manage the thick grained, slow, bumpy and unpredictable greens.  Because of this, I don't quite see anyone will drain a whole lot putts. The tournament is a four day event with a two day cut. I'll just have to go out there with the same mindset as the last 2 months: to accept whatever comes my way and believe in myself.  I'm not exactly feeling as hyped up to play in the tournament as the previous ones but perhaps it will be to my benefit. Mentally, I know that if I being the right mindset and focus out there, that ill do fine.  8:39am tee time. Later! 

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