Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tentative Tournament Schedule

Here in the Philippines, nothing is for certain even until a couple days before the event.
I'd like to share with you my golf tournament schedule for the next couple weeks:
  • January 19 and 22, 2011: Sta. Elena Cup (Amateur Fun Tournament)
  • January 27-30, 2011: TCC Razon Invitational (Major Pro Tournament)
  • February 8-11, 2011: DHL Amateur Open (Serious Amateur Tournament)
  • February 17, 2011: Mizuno Dream Cup Final Qualifier (Win this, and all expense paid trip to a big amateur event in Japan)
  • February 23-26, 2011: PAL Interclub (10 man team event. Fun tournament but the people here seem to live and die over this event)
  • March 4-6, 2011: TCC Yulo Cup (Invited by my Tita (aunt) Bernie, another one of those fun member-guest tournaments.)
So there it is! For the first quarter of 2011, not particularly a busy schedule with "high powered serious big time tournament atmosphere events" but just enough to keep the competitive juices flowing.

To my knowledge, the pro events in the Philippines and the Mercedes Benz ASEAN Tour will start coming in bunches beginning in the last week of March.  

I'll post the PGT (Philippine Golf Tour) schedule once I find their new website.  

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