Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sta. Elena Cup Final Round and Awarding

Written: January 23, 2010

            I just came from the Sta. Elena Cup awarding tonight.  The tournament was a 2 day member guest event in which I was invited by fellow Notre Dame grad Clifford Lichaytoo.  Although we would have liked to play better, we enjoyed our two days of golf on Wednesday and Saturday playing along side Clifford’s friends.  On the 2nd round Saturday, Cliff, a 7 handicap, shot a 76 while I shot an even par 72 off a zero handicap. 
            All the while, we were really after the hole in one prizes which was a Lexus IS 300 selling for appx P3 million here. It’s the beautiful small sports sedan that everyone in the field was after.  In fact, two people did it! However, since they made a hole-in-one on the same hole, they had to split the prize in however way they wished.  Maybe one would buy the car from the other or they would both sell it and pocket the money.  Either way, they came out 1.5 million pesos richer.  Lucky ones.
            Then there was the raffle: 10 iPads and about 10 other prizes worth over P100k like Omega watches and video cameras.  Our names weren’t called.  Where we did win out was the buffet everyone got to enjoy.  Eat all you can steaks, chicken, seafood, fruits, desserts. You name it!  Overall, it was a fun evening to network, meet new people and also see familiar faces, some I haven’t seen in years.  And on a side note, I’d be the last person to dance but this time, I went up on the dance floor and partnered with a D.I. and we danced to swing.  Gotta give credit to those Wednesday dance sessions Coach Bong has at our team house. Thanks!  I always try welcome learning new skills, especially those that I’m most uncomfortable with.           
A five minute drive home and I’m back in Montecito, ready for tomorrow’s practice round as the PGT Tour finds itself in our backyard at the year’s first tournament and major: the TCC Razon Invitational Jan. 27-30.

Sta. Elena Awards Night

Group pic with the random model girl as seen in every one of these kinds of tournaments

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