Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ASEAN Tour Negeri Masters 2nd Round

Written: July 8, 2011

            2nd Round action began today then was momentarily postponed abruptly.  Upon playing the first hole and making par, inclement weather came in.  After hitting the tee shot on the par 3 2nd hole, lightning way too close for comfort struck the ground a few hundred yards away.  Back to the clubhouse for a two hour delay.  Returning to the course was an immediate wake up call.  A four putt double bogey from 60 feet away.  I really tried to hold my ground there on the front nine.  An eagle helped a lot but the bogeys and doubles kept coming as I turned in 4 over par.
            Perhaps feeling the pressure of trying too hard to make the cut got to me.  On the back nine, the bogeys kept on coming. One on the 10th and another on the 12th.  Fortunately, that would be the last of my bogeys.  Finishing the round at one under in the last six holes really helped my chances to make the cut only to fall one shot short.  One of the positives that I’ll take away from the week was the clutch saves down the stretch when I knew I was right around the cut line.  Learning to play and execute under those conditions will go a long way to more success in the future.
            For now, I’m going to have to pack up and change my flight for an early ticket home to Manila.  My status on facebook was, “turned out to be a costly tuition fee for a learning experience in Malaysia.”  I know in the long run, this experience will be beneficial to learning how to deal with similar situations in the future.  The good thing will be that I won’t have to wait a long time to tee it up again.  Bacolod for another PGT leg next week July 13-15.

For more pictures, check this facebook link for the album.

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